Buying real estate in Spain? Backup Plan B.
Today's article would like to summarize the previous year 2024 and evaluation of real estate sales in Spain. Of course, we can only speak for us and for the area we focus on, that is, the surroundings of Alicante.
The fact is that the interest from the inhabitants of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria is growing. In fact, it is growing more than we expected and the marketability in 2024 was great. Because we spend a lot of time with our clients, we choose real estate with them, we spend time tours and sitting with a glass of wine or tourist walks, we always ask them about their motivation to buy. What actually leads them to want to buy a property abroad, just in Spain.
And because you may also be interested in the reasons, we will try to summarize them in a few de facto points:
1. The desire to create a second safe home for yourself and for your family
Specifically, there are high real estate prices in the Czech Republic, not only for apartments and family houses, but also for recreational properties. Prices of some premium recreational buildings began to deal with the foreign ones. So, who does not have a problem traveling further, they often look abroad.
Real estate are very popular within a reasonable range of distances such as Spain, but also for example Egypt, Albania, Dubai, Cyprus, Italy and Croatia.
Spain is often the choice that it is still in Europe, in Western Europe. Our clients are more economically stable, food prices are the same or even cheaper, fuel are slightly cheaper, energy prices are definitely cheaper, the problem with water in the Alicante area is not as present in the press. And the weather - you need a sweater here for two months a year, so heating is also not a necessity.
Clients often tell us that this is a kind of plan for them, for family and for their lives. They want peace, safety and happy life for them. And the language barrier is no longer a problem nowadays, people are willing to learn, that's a huge change!
2. To secure a safe home for old age
To ensure a safe and quiet home for old age is a frequent motivation of our clients. They like the vision of heat, sea and peace. And children or grandchildren? Let them go for a month in a row and then at least everyone will enjoy it.
3. Investments and future rental profits
Another frequent motivation is the investment of free money in real estate abroad with the possibility of renting. Why not have a smaller nice apartment for a family of four, enjoy the winter months in Spain with your family and then rent part of the year? And so not only the cost of operating real estate all year round, but also start to systematically earn money? We have clients who started five years ago, now are the owners of two apartments for a family of four, and two smaller family houses for year -round rent. Everything goes when they want and these clients are a beautiful example of a gradual building of stable and beautiful income! And are we proud that they built it all with us…?
4. The desire for peace and relaxation
This is our favorite motivation. Our client Pavol says, I quote: "The best decision in my life - to get a second property abroad". It is an art - to separate work, family life and time for itself. Some have learned it all their lives.